Supplements to Increase Your Energy
Many vitamins are credited with increasing energy levels. General practitioners often recommend a daily vitamin to supplement even the most healthy diets. Daily supplements can assist in managing stress levels and provide an overall boost while protecting the body from vitamin deficiency and depletion.
The B6 and B12 vitamins provide support for the body's metabolism, which regulates energy. The most effective metabolism will allow for maximum energy from foods consumed. B vitamins are also linked to the central nervous system which can control fatigue.
Vitamin C handles cellular repair and is known to help ward off many illnesses. Vitamin C not only repairs damage during sleep or rest, but it also converts energy in the body. Carnitine, CoQ10 and omega-3s are also recommended as supplements to increase energy.
Many minerals can be essential to the body's ability to maintain adequate energy. Iron is needed for hemoglobin production which transports oxygen to the body. Iron deficiency is a known source of fatigue, so it is an essential element to optimum energy. Magnesium helps the body to produce the principle ATP energy molecule and prevents weak bones, which can also affect overall energy and productivity. Zinc in small amounts helps the body produce protein molecules and fiber for hair, nail, muscle, skin and other body parts.
There are many herbs that can be beneficial to increase energy. Ginger is a root that is commonly used in Chinese cooking to aids digestion, as well as stimulating blood flow to help energy levels. Turmeric is often used in curry dishes and aids in the protection of the liver, which is a major center for digestion and detoxification. Both of these herbs can also be found in tincture and pill form.
Siberian ginseng is a popular energy booster that also can increase stamina and immunity. Gotu kola can improve brain function and strengthen blood vessels and tissues. Gotu kola also acts as a tonic to rejuvenate the body with anti-inflammatory properties. Maitake is derived from the Chinese mushroom. It stimulates the immune system and fights chronic fatigue.