What Vitamin Is Good for Dementia?
Vitamins C and E
The disease-fighting duo of vitamins C and E are useful in a number of health-related areas. These vitamins have been found useful in preventing heart disease, building up immune system health and maintaining healthy skin. However, their power at fighting dementia is also unmatched by many (if any) other nutrients. In a study completed in 1988, it was discovered that men taking vitamin C and E supplements at least once a week had an 88 percent lower chance of developing vascular dementia (dementia that comes as a result of a serious health conditions, such as stroke). Also, these men were 69 percent less likely to develop other types of dementia, such as Alzheimer's. These supplements are believed to help protect brain cells from injury and degradation, thus they also seem to slow dementia that's already in progress. Taking a supplement of vitamin C and E daily would be a great way to prevent dementia symptoms and development. These supplements can be found at most drugstores or health food stores. Use according to the directions found on supplement packaging.
B Vitamins
B vitamins, including vitamins B12, B6, B1, B2, B3 (also known as niacin) and B9 (also known as folate), have been connected to prevention and treatment of dementia. Despite all being classified as B vitamins, each of these vitamins do not all serve the same purpose. Some are helpful in aiding cell division, others help improve metabolism, and still others help in energy production.
All of the B vitamins listed above, however, have been connected to prevention and treatment of dementia, probably because improving cell division, metabolism and energy production all, in some way, positively affect the brain and its functions. These vitamins can be found in health stores in one supplement called vitamin B-complex. Taking these supplements daily as directed on supplement packaging is a good way to help promote overall heath, as well as to possibly prevent dementia.
(see References 3 and Resources 1)