Can You Break Vitamins in Half Before Taking?
Importance of Vitamins
Vitamin supplements can help individuals maintain healthy levels of certain vitamins on a daily basis, especially when a person is prone to vitamin deficiency.
Types of Vitamins
There are several varieties of vitamins. Some are in large, capsule form; others come in a coated tablet with the powdered vitamins inside. The powdered tablets likely break down faster.
Breaking Vitamins
As long as the product is in solid capsule form, a vitamin can be broken in half before consuming. However, beware of taking too many vitamins in a smaller amount of time.
Vitamin Concentration
Many vitamins, though promising high levels of important nutrients, can contain high levels of unwanted materials. Breaking a vitamin in half reduces the amount you intake.
Vitamin Absorption
Some vitamins are bonded together in such a way to prevent easy digestion. Instead of breaking down in the stomach, some vitamins could take a long time to digest. Breaking them in half increases the chance of easier absorption.