Vitamins Recommended for Men to Lose Weight
Improve Digestion and Metabolism
Certain vitamins will improve the utilization of the carbohydrates, fats and proteins men eat. This will help your body burn off more of its fat stores. Men should take vitamin B12 (100 to 200 mcg), vitamin B6 (500 mcg), vitamin A (10,000 IU) and folic acid (600 to 800 mcg). In addition, take a digestive enzyme tablet (found in any vitamin section aisle) before meals to boost cell nutrition for more effective digestion.
Stimulate Weight Loss
Weight loss begins with a mild detoxification. Antioxidants and fiber pills can support this process. Psyllium pills before meals can add additional fiber to your diet to aid in cleansing and improve colon health. Additional vitamins that can help include vitamin C (1 to 3 g daily, split up throughout the day), vitamin E (400 IU) and selenium (200 mcg, preferably taken in the morning).
Also take fatty acid supplements to stimulate weight loss. Gamma linolenic acid from evening primrose oil and cold pressed linseed oil (flax) are both high in omega-3 and omega-6 fish oils. Men seeking to lose weight should have four capsules of evening primrose and 1 tbsp. flaxseed oil daily.
Reduce Cravings and Suppress the Appetite
Medical authorities recommend amino acids as weight loss aids. These include glutamine, chromium, phenylalnine and trypophan. Additionally, L-carnitine supports the efficient use of fat in the body. Take up to 1000 mg of each amino acid daily, ideally broken down into two equal doses, morning and night.
Remember that losing weight effectively and properly is a multifaceted process. Find a diet plan that works, create an exercise regimen, and implement vitamins and supplements---and you are on your way to conquering your weight loss goals.