Vitamins Containing Testosterone for Men
Known as the "male hormone," testosterone is produced in the testes. It is responsible for the development of male sexual qualities such as deep voices. It is also credited for the formation of strong muscles and bones. Testosterone is known as the most potent member of the androgen family. In men, high levels of testosterone mean that there is a lower risk of high blood pressure and heart problems.
Vitamin C
As a water-soluble vitamin, Vitamin C is needed in order for the body to properly grow and develop. This particular vitamin is essential in the production of hormones such as androgen, estrogen, and progesterone. Thus, it is essential in helping men produce the testosterone they need. In addition to this, Vitamin C is needed to form the collagen required to create blood vessels.
Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body because the unused amounts are expelled through the urine. It has to be supplied through the food one consumes.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a kind of fat-soluble vitamin. It is present in some types of food although it is mostly obtained when ultraviolet rays from the sun come in contact with the skin. When this happens, vitamin D synthesis occurs. Vitamin D is connected with testosterone in men because the encoding genes that are in charge of functions of cells are controlled in part by Vitamin D. It can also protect the membranes of cells against damage caused by free radicals and can thus help protect the testes.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a vitamin that comes in three forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyrodoxamine. It is an important vitamin because it is needed in protein metabolism as well as red blood cell metabolism. In addition to this, vitamin B6 is needed by the nervous and immune systems in order to function properly. For men, Vitamin B6 is necessary in maintaining normal levels of testosterone because it regulates the balance of androgen production.
Vitamin A
An important component in maintaining the normal functions of the reproductive organs, vitamin A promotes the production of testosterone in men. The reason for this is that Vitamin A can cross the blood-testis barrier and thus be converted in its active form, which is retinoic acid. In addition to this, vitamin A can lessen the production of the female hormone estrogen in men. As a result, the production of testosterone is enhanced.