Benefits of L-Glutathione
Tomatoes are an excellent source of L-Glutathione
L-Glutathione is linked to many health benefits because it is associated with the synthesis of protein. Thus, it can help with the repair and restoration of the body. In addition to this, it assists in the metabolism of toxins, such as carcinogens. A deficiency in L-Glutathione can lead to aging symptoms such as muscular degeneration, as well as problems in the liver. This particular substance can be found in fruits and vegetables. For example, tomatoes, oranges, spinach and watermelons contain L-Glutathione. However, the amount of L-Glutathione may be diminished if the food is cooked or processed.
L-Glutathione has the ability to boost the immune system. This is because lymphocytes--which are the cells that are responsible for the immune function--need L-Glutathione to work and replicate. The body is then more equipped to fight off diseases. In addition to this, L-Glutathione can prevent the oxidation of fats, including cholesterols, which are found in the bloodstream. Thus, the risk of plaque formation in the arteries is minimized. This is a significant benefit because the clogging of the arteries can lead to strokes and heart disease.
L-Glutathione has the ability to protect against some forms of cancer, such as those found in the breasts, lungs and prostates. In a 2004 study conducted by the American Association for Cancer Research, it was discovered that high levels of cysteine in plasma may lessen the risk of breast cancer. Cysteine is one of the three amino acids that produce L-Glutathione. In fact, L-Glutathione may enhance the effectiveness of treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
L-Glutathione can be used to lessen the effects of aging. This particular substance has the ability to protect against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress results when there is an imbalance between the free radicals that are created when oxygen is used and the body's ability to detoxify them. As a result, the body tends to wear down more easily. To boost its effectiveness further, L-Glutathione may be taken in conjunction with ascorbic acid or vitamin C.
The liver and kidneys are vital organs known for their detoxification functions. They are also the places where the highest levels of glutathione are found. People are exposed to toxins on a regular basis, with most of these toxins coming from the environment. L-Glutathione prevents them from acting on the body in a harmful manner by making sure that the liver functions properly. It does this by binding with the toxins in the body, using an enzyme called conjugase and flushing them out.