Greens Plus Nutritional Facts
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Superfoods are foods that provide extraordinary health benefits. Greens Plus contains ingredients that are considered Superfoods. One such ingredient is Green tea. Greens Plus contains 20mg of Organic Japanese Green Tea Leaf. It also contains 200mg of dairy-free probiotic cultures which is another ingredient that is considered a Superfood. The fact that it is dairy-free makes it easier to digest.
Vitamins and Minerals
Greens Plus contains many ingredients that contain substantial vitamin and mineral properties. One such ingredient is Bee Pollen. Greens Plus contains 150mg of Montana Bee Pollen. This ingredient is known for being rich in antioxidants. It also contains 390 percent of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E. According to the Mayo Clinic, Vitamin E can be beneficial as it may boost the body's immune system.
Another powerful ingredient n this supplement is Ginkgo Biloba. It is an antioxidant that improves brain function and memory. Greens Plus also contains Milk Thistle extract. This antioxidant assists in detoxifying and protecting the liver. In addition, it is used to treat and prevent gallbladder disorders.
Algae is a rich source of vitamins and nutrients. Greens Plus contains three different types of algae. Chlorella is a green freshwater algae that contains a high content of iron and zinc. Dunaliella Salina is another form of algae that is native to the South Pacific. It's an excellent source of beta-carotene. Greens Plus also contains Hawaiian Spirulina which is a valuable source of vegetarian B-12. In addition, it is considered a complete protein. The vast amount of the B-12 vitamin and the fact that it is a complete protein makes this especially valuable for vegetarians.
There is the possibility of an allergic reaction to the Royal Jelly and bee pollen if someone is allergic to bees. Greens Plus also contains an abundance of Vitamin K which can be problematic for people that take blood thinners. It also contains licorice root which may elevate blood pressure. For a comprehensive list of ingredients, please visit