What Are the Benefits of Vitamin B5?
Benefits of Vitamin B5
Creating chemical reactions and transforming food into energy are the benefits of vitamin B5. The vitamin also helps the liver metabolize toxins and plays a role in nerve transmission, according to Oregon State University studies.
Vitamin B5 Deficiency
Observed deficiencies of vitamin B5 are rare in humans and found only in cases of severe malnutrition. Fatigue and spinal nerve damage can result from vitamin B5 deficiency.
Food Sources
Look for vitamin B5 amounts in products. Eating whole grains, mushrooms, egg yolks or meat will provide good sources of vitamin B5. Most breakfast cereals contain adequate amounts of vitamin B5.
Recommended Intake
Suggested daily recommended allowances of vitamin B5 are 2 mg a day for children, 5 mg a day for adults and 6 to 7 mg daily for pregnant and lactating women.
Side Effects and Interactions
Excess amounts of vitamin B5 are excreted in urine, because the nutrient is water soluble. There are no known drug interactions to vitamin B5.