What Vitamins Do Premenopausal Women Need?
Vitamins taken with other supplements can ease premenopausal symptoms.
In General
Linda Rola writes on SafeMenopauseSolutions.com that a women's overall hormonal balance needs to be taken into account when considering vitamins for premenopause.
Symptoms such as weight gain, unexplained headaches, hot flashes, pain or stiffness in the joints can be indicators of premenopause, according to Rola. She reports that she has found relief for some of these symptoms using vitamins in addition to other supplements.
Vitamin Recommendations
According to Anne Collins on AnneCollins.com, women experiencing premenopause should step up doses of vitamins A, B-complex, C, D and E. Premenopausal women also should add bioflavonoids to their vitamin regimen. These vitamins promote suppleness in the tissues, balance the hormones, help metabolize sugars and fight against hot flashes.
Other Supplements
Black cohosh, dong quai, soy isoflavones and red clover can help treat symptoms such as hot flashes and heart palpitations. They also can assist with premenstrual difficulties and help prevent certain cancers associated with a change in hormones.
Rola explains that a body out of balance will exhibit symptoms of premenopause at any age. Women who are not of premenopausal age---between 35 and 45---and are experiencing symptoms associated with premenopause (PMS, moodiness and weight gain) should consider recharging the nutritional value of their diets. They also may want to talk with their health care provider about these symptoms during their yearly checkup.