What Are the Dangers of B12?
Herring and Trout are a rich, natural source of Vitamin B-12
How Much is too Much?
It's highly unlikely that you will ever reach harmful levels of vitamin B-12 from food since your body is designed to only absorb a certain amount. (http://health.msn.com/nutrition/nutrient-library/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100218857)
Many individuals receive regular B-12 injections to promote weight loss, reduce stress, and boost their energy. (http://healthmad.com/health/b12-shots-the-newest-energy-booster/) When injections are combined with B-12 supplements, harmful levels are possible to reach.
Common Side Effects After a B-12 Injection
The main physical side effects experienced after a vitamin B-12 injection include headache, nauseousness with an upset stomach, mild diarrhea, joint pain, or a feeling of being swollen or bloated over the entire body. There may also be pain at the injection site. (http://vitamins.lovetoknow.com/Vitamin_B12_Injections_Side_Effects)
These symptoms are considered to be mild and generally disappear within 24-hours. If these symptoms persist, it is best to contact your physician.
Serious Side Effects After a B-12 Injection
Although very rare, there have been instances when serious side effects have been experienced. These side effects could include heart palpitations, tightness or pain in the chest, muscle pain or cramping, frequent urination or a feeling of extreme thirst, confusion, numbness, difficulty swallowing or breathing, unusual coughing or wheezing, hives or any other type of skin rash. (http://vitamins.lovetoknow.com/Vitamin_B12_Injections_Side_Effects)
If you experience any of these symptoms, call your physician or 911 immediately.
Drug Reactions
Another factor to consider is the possible ill effects of certain drugs when mixed with a vitamin B-12 injection. Always make your doctor aware of all drugs, even over-the-counter medications you are taking before receiving a B-12 injection.
Some of the drugs that may trigger an adverse reaction include the following:
Potassium supplements
Allergic Reactions
A small percentage of individuals could experience an allergic reaction after receiving a vitamin B-12 injection. You should never take B-12 in the form of a vitamin pill supplement or an injection if you have Leber's disease or if you are allergic to cobalt. Doing so can possibly lead to optic nerve damage in those with Leber's disease. (http://www.drugs.com/mtm/vitamin-b12-injection.html)
Although allergic reactions are rare, they can be life threatening. As with any medication or supplement, always thoroughly discuss all pros and cons with your physician beforehand. The best way to receive vitamin B-12 is naturally, in your meat and dairy products.