How to Inject Vitamins
Things You'll Need
- Syringe
- Needle
- Vitamin
- Alcohol swabs
Injecting Vitamins
Understand that vitamin injections are NOT to be given in the vein. Great care must be taken to avoid this, as it can have lethal consequences. If you are uncertain about how to do this, have a doctor show you first.
Pick your area to inject. The best spots are in the buttocks or the fat of the belly. You want to inject the vitamin subcutaneously (beneath the skin) and into the fat or the muscle.
Hold up the syringe with the needle to the sky, and tap on the syringe to get all bubbles to the top of the syringe. Depress the plunger until some of the vitamin is ejected out the needle; this gets rid of any air in the liquid.
Pop the needle with one quick movement into the area you just swabbed. Once the needle is in, pull back on the syringe to see if any blood comes into the tube. If it does, pull the needle out. Blood in the syringe means you are in a vein. If you only get air, go ahead and depress the plunger to inject the medicine.
Pull the needle out and swab the injection site again with your alcohol swab. If there is any bleeding, you can put a adhesive bandage on the injection site. Discard the syringe and needle properly.