Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms
Oranges are a great source of vitamin C.
Immune System
A weak immune system---which can cause poor wound healing and recurrent respiratory infections---is a major sign of Vitamin C deficiency.
Vitamin C deficiency causes bleeding gums, nosebleeds, skin discoloration caused by blood vessels rupturing and excessive bleeding when wounded.
Insufficient consumption or absorption of Vitamin C can cause problems with the thyroid and lead to premature aging. Other symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite and muscular pain.
Vitamin C deficiency can enhance the toxicity of some poisons, drugs and environmental pollutants, due to the body's reduced ability to fight off infections and invaders.
Prolonged Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy. Scurvy was first documented in the 1700s in British sailors who lacked sources of Vitamin C. Symptoms of scurvy include spongy, purple gums, poor healing, easy bruising, internal bleeding, dysentery and difficulty absorbing iron that can lead to anemia.