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DHA Side Effects

Most side effects caused by DHA are mild nuisances. However, some consumers experience severe side effects with higher doses. Consult with a doctor if any side effects present themselves.
  1. Stomach Ache

    • Typical stomach ache symptoms, including gassiness, diarrhea and nausea, may result.

    Blood Thinner

    • Some DHA supplements have anticoagulant properties that cause the blood to be thinner. The body will bruise easier and bleed longer when cut. Immediate medical attention is required if any symptoms of internal bleeding occur. These symptoms include tarry black stool, bloody stool or vomiting blood.

    Allergic Reactions

    • Some consumers may find that they are allergic to DHA. Reactions can include itchiness, hives, swelling, wheezing or difficulty breathing.


    • LDL cholesterol may be increased with DHA intake, especially if the DHA supplement includes EPA.


    • DHA is derived from fish oils. Consuming large quantities of fish oils can result in a poisonous overdose of Vitamin A and Vitamin D.

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