Essential Vitamins for Males
Aside from universally beneficial nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, D, E, B complex, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium and others, men need particular vitamins and minerals that benefit their physiological needs. Men are known to have more heart disease than women, as well as other health issues unique to males, so particular nutrients and vitamins are especially beneficial to them.
Boron is a trace mineral that experimental studies suggest may help prevent cancer of the prostate. These studies found that men who had the highest Boron intake had half the risk of prostate cancer as those who had the least Boron intake. An interesting aside to this is that the study also found that Boron intake from food sources was not associated with a decreased risk for prostate cancer. Suggested dosage is 3 mg. per day.
Chromium supplementation is most commonly used as a means of building muscle. It is also one of the best supplements that you can take to balance your insulin levels and prevent diabetes. Studies have shown positive results linking Chromium supplementation to prevention and improvement of Type II diabetes. Chromium Picolinate, the most bio available form, has shown the best results. Suggested dosage is 35 mcg. (micrograms) per day.
Co-enzyme Q10
Co-enzyme Q10 works on the cellular level. Roland Stocker, Ph. D. says "CoQ plays an important role in the production of chemical energy in the mitochondria." It boosts energy as well as having many other health benefits, including increasing male fertility and protecting the heart; especially when combined with Vitamin E. Suggested dosage is 100 mg. each day.
Folic Acid
- states that "Folic acid helps prevent clogged arteries and improves blood flow to the brain by keeping down levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that increases your risk of blood clots. High homocysteine levels are associated with early warning signs of Alzheimer's, such as dementia and memory loss. Researchers in Sweden found that Alzheimer's patients are more likely to have folic acid deficiencies." Suggested dosage is 500 mcg. (micrograms) per day.
Glucosamine helps rebuild cartilage and reverse accumulated damage. It is manufactured from the shells of lobsters and crabs. It can reduce joint pain and stiffness and arrest the progression of osteoarthritis in knees. Using a Glucosamine cream may also help relieve joint pain. Suggested dosage is 1,500 mg. each day.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are a veritable health goldmine. They are good for everything from erectile dysfunction to Alzheimer's disease. For men, who have the highest risk of heart disease, Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the risk of heart failure by an impressive amount. The DHA and EPA fatty acids are linked to the most healthful benefits.
Dr. Gerald F. Combs, Jr., Ph. D. says that Selenium supplementation can substantially reduce cancer risk. Increased Selenium intake has been linked to a decreased risk of colon, lung, prostate and other cancers. It also helps to protect against viral mutation. Suggested dosage is 200 mcg. each day.