Prenatal Vitamin & Hair Growth
Prenatal vitamins differ from regular multivitamins in that they contain more folic acid, iron and calcium, which are vital to the development of the brain and spinal cord of a fetus. Other vitamins found in a prenatal multivitamin include vitamins A, D, C, B12 and E, which are all necessary for healthy nails, hair and skin.
Taking a prenatal vitamin will compensate for any nutrients you are not getting from your diet. Problems with nails can be a result of a deficiency. Compensating for deficiencies can be beneficial for more than just your nails. Vitamin C improves the immune system and vitamin D aids your body in the absorption of calcium, which helps in the prevention of osteoporosis.
Prenatal vitamins do not increase your chances of pregnancy. The vitamins do not contain hormones and therefore do not increase fertility. Taking a prenatal vitamin does not ensure that your nails will grow faster, longer or stronger. Vitamins can only compensate for deficiencies, if your nails are weak due to something other than a vitamin deficiency, it is unlikely that a multivitamin will fix the problem.
The reasons that prenatal vitamins are likely to results in stronger, longer nails have nothing to do with the fact that they are prenatal vitamins. The same effect can be achieved by taking a regular multivitamin that contains vitamins A, D, C, B12 an E. Even adding foods like eggs, which contain B12 and citrus, which contains vitamin C, will provide the necessary nutrients for stronger nails. A prenatal vitamin may contain a higher dosage of these vitamins. However, your body can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients. All of the excess is flushed, not stored. Unless you are severely deficient in one or more of these vitamins, it's unlikely that your body will benefit from the surplus of nutrients that prenatal vitamins provide.
You should always consult with your doctor before starting a new multivitamin. Problems with nails often denote more serious health issues and should be brought to the attention of your health care provider.