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Foods Containing B12
Main Sources
Vitamin B12 is mainly found in fish, shellfish, meat and dairy products.
Many vegans get vitamin B12 through B12-infused foods such as plant milk, soy and some cereals. Many vegans also take B12 vitamins.
B12 bonds to the proteins in foods, which is why it is found in meats, fish and dairy products over plants and grains.
Daily Supplement
Your body's B12 needs can be met by eating a chicken breast, a hard boiled egg and a cup of low-fat yogurt every day, or by having one cup of raisin bran with one cup of milk.
Your body stores years worth of B12 so deficiencies are rare, but a deficiency can result in anemia.
Vitamin B12 has other health benefits that include heart and circulatory health, the stimulation of growth in children and for use as an energy booster.