Do I Need Vitamin C to Boost My Immune System?
Immune System
The human immune system helps fight viruses, bacteria and a long menu of conditions. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals strengthens the immune system and helps it ward off disease and sickness.
Fighting the Common Cold
Vitamin C has been linked to fighting the common cold for generations. Research on vitamin C's role in preventing and treating common viruses and respiratory infections has been extensive. While vitamin C has not been proven to show any marked reduction in risk of developing the common cold, it may play a part in minimizing a cold's duration.
People living in locations that experience extreme temperatures and people who participate in outdoor winter sports like marathons and skiing may benefit from vitamin C supplements, as they have been shown to experience a 50 percent reduction in developing colds when taking these supplements.
Potential Benefits
Women who are pregnant may boost their immunity against urinary tract infections (UTIs) by taking vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C also may reduce the body's free radicals that bring about conditions and illnesses ranging from common colds to more serious and life-threatening diseases. Free radicals can enter the body through normal metabolism and by exposure to everyday pollutants. Another potential benefit of vitamin C is that it may help regenerate other antioxidants, like vitamin E.
Daily Intake
Because the body does not produce vitamin C or store it adequately, as it is water-soluble and is flushed out, vitamin C must be taken daily, either through a balanced diet or with supplements. The recommended daily dosage for adult men is 90 mg, and for adult women, 75 mg.
Dietary Sources of Vitamin C
A diet rich in vitamin C may include these foods: oranges, cauliflower, kiwi, cabbage, papayas, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, berries, red peppers and guava.