Vitamins to Take for Women With Thinning Hair
Women are at a greater risk for iron deficiency than men because of their monthly menstrual cycles. Lack of iron, or anemia, is linked to hair loss, so if your hair is starting to thin, you may need to beef up your iron intake. Iron is found in your hair follicles, encouraging new growth. Get yours from red meat, blackstrap molasses, dark leafy greens and supplements. Take your iron with a healthy dose of vitamin C to improve absorption.
Vitamin A
Sebum, an oily substance produced by your scalp, is your hair's natural conditioner. It's important to keep thinning hair well conditioned so that it doesn't dry and break off. Vitamin A regulates sebum production, making sure that your hair doesn't get greasy or brittle. Find this vitamin in eggs, liver and fish oil, or get it in its vegetarian form from dark leafy greens and red, orange or yellow vegetables.
Zinc deficiency leads to premature graying and hair loss, so combat thinning hair by supplementing your diet with this essential mineral. It also moves vitamin A from the liver to the tissues so your body can use it. The two highest sources of zinc in nature are oysters and pumpkin seeds.
Your hair is actually composed of silica, which is a trace mineral found in potatoes, sunflower seeds, oats, rice and red pepper skins. Each gram of hair has 90mcg of silica, which is almost as much as your bones; a gram of bone contains 100mcg. Try making a tea with nettle, horsetail and oatstraw---three herbs that contain high amounts of the hair-friendly mineral.
Biotin is important for healthy, thick hair. It prevents hair loss, encourages hair growth and repair, and helps to produce keratin, which is another component of the hair shaft. Find this essential hair vitamin in egg yolks, spinach, liver, yeast, royal jelly, whole grains and supplements.