B12 Benefits
Vitamin B-12 uses fats and proteins to produce energy. Vitamin B-12 shots, supplements and beverages are available to boost energy production, though there is no proof vitamin B-12 directly affects the body's energy levels.
The immune system receives an enhancement when the body has adequate levels of vitamin B-12. This nutrient can protect against harmful toxins and is believed to help prevent against cancer.
Cell Production
Vitamin B-12 is known to aid in cell production and the formation of DNA matter. The types of cells affected by the vitamin include blood and nerve cells in addition to skin and hair cells.
While everyone benefits from vitamin B-12, those who have undergone gastrointestinal operations might profit most from the supplement. These patients are likely to be deficient in the B vitamin.
Vegetarians, vegans and elderly people will benefit from vitamin B-12 supplements. The average recommended daily intake of vitamin B-12 is 2.4 mcg. for adult males and females.