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High Blood Pressure Vitamin Remedy

Blood pressure is a measure of the force by which blood pushes against the artery walls as it flows through the body. Blood pressure levels vary throughout the day, but when blood pressure remains high then it is classified as high blood pressure, or medically known as hypertension. High blood pressure increases the risk for cardiac arrest and stroke and causes symptoms of headaches, nausea, vomiting and vision problems. Vitamins can help keep blood pressure levels steady and help lower high blood pressure levels.
  1. Causes of High Blood Pressure

    • High blood pressure can be caused by a diet high in salt and fat and that is also low in fiber, alcohol, coffee, tea, refined foods, smoking and stress. Health conditions, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity lead to high blood pressure.

    High Blood Pressure Vitamin Remedy

    • While the body needs sodium to maintain blood pressure, vitamins help prevent sodium levels from getting too high to keep blood pressure levels normal. Potassium helps eliminate water and salt from the body, thereby reducing blood pressure. The recommended dosage to lower blood pressure is 3,500 mg a day. Foods rich in potassium include bananas, potatoes and milk.

      Magnesium plays an important role in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Take 350 mg of magnesium a day. Magnesium is found in spinach, kale, fish, whole grains, rice, legumes and nuts. If you suffer heart or kidney problems, check with your doctor before taking magnesium supplements.

      Calcium helps prevent the onset of high blood pressure. The recommended dosage varies. Men and women ages 25 to 65 should take 1,000 mg a day. Men and women over the age of 65 should take 1,500 mg a day. Pregnant and nursing women should take 1,200 to 1,500 mg a day. Menopausal women who are taking estrogen need 1,000 mg while those who are not taking estrogen need 1,500 mg.

      Vitamin C may also help reduce blood pressure. It is recommended to take 240 mg a day to reduce high blood pressure. Vitamin D lowers high blood pressure. The body gets Vitamin D naturally from the sun, but where adequate sun is not received, a person should take 2,000 IU of Vitamin D a day for three months.

    Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

    • Garlic helps lower blood pressure. Two or three raw cloves a day or a garlic supplement is recommended. Indian gooseberry is effective in reducing high blood pressure. Every morning, take 1 tbsp. of Indian gooseberry juice mixed with 1/2 tsp. honey. Lemon, which is high in Vitamin C, helps control high blood pressure. Squeeze one lemon in a glass of water and drink every day. Watermelon seeds help lower blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels. Dry and roast watermelon seeds and eat in liberal quantities.

      Parsley is useful in lowering high blood pressure. Boil one bunch fresh parsley in 250 ml of water for three minutes. Drink the parsley water several times a day. Carrot and spinach juice aid in lowering high blood pressure. Juice enough carrot and spinach to make 250 ml of each and then blend together.

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