What Vitamins Will Boost Energy?
Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of lack of energy. Women with heavy menstrual flows are especially at risk. A combination of potassium and magnesium shows an improved energy levels in 90 percent of those who supplement it according to Prevention's "Healing with vitamins: The Most Effective Vitamin and Mineral Treatments for Everyday Health Problems and Serious Disease." Low energy levels have also been linked to deficiencies in vitamin C.
To boost energy, Prevention's "Healing with Vitamins"' also recommends taking or consuming 12 to 15 mg of iron, 100 to 200 mg of magnesium, 100 to 200 mg of potassium and 4,000 mg of vitamin C on a daily basis. This combination, either supplemented or obtained through food, will help battle fatigue and lack of energy.
Earl Mindell outlines food sources of vitamins in his book "Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century." The best sources of iron are found in animal meats. However, vegetarians can obtain iron in fortified cereals, spinach and a variety of beans. Magnesium can be found in green leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Milk, fruits and meats are rich sources of potassium while vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and peppers as well as berries and dark leafy vegetables.
Additional Hints
In addition to vitamins, follow these nutritional guidelines to boost energy: avoid alcohol and too much caffeine. Alcohol will only lower your energy levels, and caffeine will cause a debilitating energy crash after a short while. Refined foods and simple sugars found in junk food and fast food will also give you a short burst of energy that will be followed by an energy crash.
Whenever supplementing vitamins and minerals, always take necessary precautions. The safest strategy is to consult a doctor before incorporating any raised levels of nutrients into your daily routine. Magnesium should be monitored in those who suffer from heart and kidney problems. Those with kidney issues and/or diabetes should take care when adding potassium to their diet. Finally, a common side effect of too much vitamin C is diarrhea, so a gradual approach to determine how the body will react to an increase in vitamin C is wise to prevent stomach upset.