What Types of Vitamins Can One Use on the Atkins?
While on the Atkins diet, it is extremely important to take vitamin supplements. Many of the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables, and whole-grains are not taken in because of the Atkins approach to nutrition. There are five main supplements needed to maintain good health while on Atkins. You may purchase these supplements one by one, or buy them in multivitamin compounds.-
Chromium is a mineral that we need in small amounts. Chromium is needed to stabilize the body's insulin level. Chromium is found in meat, whole-grains, some fruits and vegetables, and spices. Most of these foods only contain less than two mcg per serving. Remember, the Atkins diet restricts carbohydrate intake, so the fruits, whole-grains, and some vegetables are not available to eat. Taking a chromium supplement is required while on the Atkins diet. Most dieters need at least 300 mcg. Some dieters will need to take an extra serving.
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5, otherwise known as pantothenic acid, is needed to release energy from food. It is also essential to build cell membranes. Vitamin B5 is needed for the nervous system to function normally. It plays a role in wound-healing as well. Pantothenic acid helps control cholesterol, and is involved in producing cortisone, which is used during the body's reaction to stress. It also produces a good bacteria in the intestine.
Selenium is a mineral that is needed for good health, but in small doses. When selenium is combined with protein, it creates an antioxidant. This antioxidant can help prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals. Free radicals are by-products of oxygen metabolism. Diseases like cancer and heart disease may be, partially, caused by free radicals.
Vanadium is needed for diabetics. It supports the absorption of blood sugar into the bodies cells. This helps keep the insulin level normal. Vanadium may also treat subnormal thyroid function and prevent tumors from forming.
Biotin also helps regulate blood sugar levels, metabolize carbohydrates, and helps combine amino acids into protein. It helps keep hair and nails healthy, and is needed for cell growth. Biotin is used to treat skin disorders, diabetes, splitting fingernails, hair condition and gray hair, and weight loss.