Vitamin E for Acne Prone Skin
What is Acne?
Acne is an actual disease. Moreover, acne is an an inflammatory skin disease. This skin disease effects small pores on the arms, back, face and even chest. Some forms of acne are caused by a vitamin deficiency. There could be a lack of vitamin A which can cause skin to become dry, or there may be a lack of vitamin B and most importantly vitamin E in the diet.
Most significantly, acne effects the oil glands that are attached to the arms, back, face and chest due to the hair follicles in these areas having clogged pores.
Dealing with Acne
Taking vitamin E is considered a good option for clearing up acne scars. Vitamin E can be purchased at a vitamin store or grocery store without a prescription. Approximately 15 mg daily intake of vitamin E is applicable for people 14 and older.
What is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a vitamin that aids in protecting cells in the body against damage, it supplies oxygen to the blood and even brings nourishment to cells. Vitamin E is in some foods already and sometimes added to others and is available in dietary supplement form as well. Food that have vitamin E in them are seeds, green leafy vegetables, cereals, nuts and vegetable oils (soybean, corn and canola).
Tips on Acne and Vitamin E
A few things can be done to help with the clearing up of acne, in conjunction with the use of vitamin E in any form:
* wash the affected acne area with soap and water three times a day
* take a dietary supplement that has vitamin E in it
* drink lots of water
* eat green vegetables as well as dairy products (milk, butter and cheese), eggs, chicken, kidney, liver, fish oil, oranges, carrot, apricot, peach, mango, spinach and broccoli.
* consult your physician about utilizing a vitamin E "lotion" on the affected area, to keep it from being dry, in conjunction with taking a dietary supplement
* get six to eight hours a sleep a night
The New You
When acne clears up treat the affected area as well as other areas of the skin with the suggested acne reduction "tips" to stay acne free. In addition, drink six to eight glasses of water a day to keep the body clean (flush out your system), as well a healthy diet.