Vitamins for the Reproductive System
Function of Reproductive System
The main function of the reproductive system in any organism is reproduction. The reproductive system also has four secondary functions within the context of reproduction: producing eggs and sperm cells, transporting the eggs and sperm cells, nurturing the developing offspring, and the production of hormones. By consuming the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals, an individual can maintain proper reproductive organ function.
Benefits of Vitamins
Getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet is important in maintaining good health. The reproductive system needs vitamins such as zinc, folic acid and vitamin B to aid in every stage of development and reproduction. The reproductive system needs these vitamins because they aid in the proper function of the male and female reproductive organs, which ensures proper development and procreation.
Healthy Reproductive Organs
Nutrition plays an essential role in the growth and development of an individual's reproductive system through childhood and puberty. Iodine is necessary in regulating the function of the thyroid, which is the endocrine gland in the body that regulates growth and body weight. Puberty will not begin until an individual reaches the appropriate body weight and fat. Inadequate vitamin consumption can also affect fertility and fetal development during pregnancy.
Types of Vitamins
Zinc is a vitamin that is required in the proper development of the reproductive organs. Zinc also regulates a male's hormones, sperm production and prostate. The production of sex hormones can be maintained through the consumption of manganese. Folic acid is needed to help prevent serious birth defects. B vitamins help produce red blood cells, which deliver nourishment to the fetus during a woman's pregnancy.
Vitamin Deficiency
It can be very hard to get the required amount of each and every vitamin that supports the reproductive system. Not doing so may be costly to your reproductive health. Medical researchers have found that failing to eat a healthy, nutritious diet with all of the necessary vitamins and minerals can result in significantly altered hormone levels. These deficiencies can lead to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Also, an insufficient amount of zinc in an adolescent's diet can result in delayed sexual maturation.