Vitamins for Leg Cramps
Vitamin E
A lack of vitamin E, which helps increase circulation in the body, can cause cramping and other leg pain. Try taking 400-800 international units (IU) of vitamin E a day and increasing your consumption of mustard greens, chard, sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and turnip greens, all good sources of vitamin E.
Vitamin B12
Researchers at Tapei Medical College in Taiwan provided B12 to patients suffering from leg cramps for three months. At the end of the study, 86 percent of the patients reported complete relief and the researchers concluded that B12 is a safe and natural way to help alleviate leg cramps. A similar study with the same results was also published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Try taking a B12 supplement or eat more foods that are rich in B12 such as meat, eggs, dairy and most fortified foods such as soy milks and cereals.
Calcium and Magnsium
According to Jacqueline Jacques, a naturopathic doctor and specialist in pain management in Portland, Oregon, you experience leg cramping when the body is deficient in calcium, magnesium and potassium. Therefore, consumption of these vitamins can help alleviate cramping and leg pain. Calcium works to contract the cramping muscle, while magnesium works to relax leg muscles. This push and pull confuses the muscle and helps alleviate the cramping. Try taking 250 milligrams of magnesium plus 250 milligrams of calcium twice per day. Also, eat more foods rich in calcium and magnesium such as spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens and Swiss chard.
Potassium helps regulate muscle contractions, and a deficiency will cause leg cramping. Try taking a 99 mg potassium tablet every day and include potassium-rich foods such as chard, crimini mushrooms, spinach, bananas and other fruits into your diet.
Vitamin C
Be sure to include foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or supplement with vitamin C tablets because vitamin C helps the body utilize and absorb calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Other Considerations
Vitamin D, which is found in milk and given off by the sun, helps the body absorb calcium. Additionally, to improve magnesium absorption in the body, you should reduce dietary fat, avoid alcohol and minimize your consumption of sodas and desserts.