Vitamin Supplements for Relaxation
Before starting any vitamin supplement program, consult a medical professional.
A Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement
A multivitamin/mineral supplement makes sense no matter the quest for better health. But in terms of creating more relaxation, at least one study has shown a decrease in anxiety and increase in a sense of well being to participants who took a multivitamin and mineral supplement. In a 2000 double-blind study cited in "Psychopharmacology," participants in a four-week study who took a multivitamin showed less stress and anxiety compared to participants who took a placebo.
Vitamin B Complex
The B vitamins are recommended to promote mental harmony. One of the B vitamins, niacin, helps maintain metabolism, which is needed to create serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that promotes a stable and relaxed state of mind. Another of the B complex vitamins, called pantothenic acid, is responsible for maintaining the adrenal glands, which create and balance the stress hormones. Deficiencies in the B vitamins have been associated with irritability, anxiety and depression.
Vitamin C
We have heard about vitamin C's properties for maintaining our physical health, but this vitamin also plays a role in our emotional fitness. Vitamin C is responsible for the creation of cortisol, which has an important role in stress levels. In large doses, vitamin C also has been show to have a tranquilizing effect and can decrease anxiety. (Check with a doctor before starting any vitamin mega-doses.)
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is not considered one of the more essential vitamins for promoting relaxation, but it does play a role. It helps people sleep. It supports a healthy immune system, which can prevent spikes in stress levels. Scientists are also exploring links between deficiencies in vitamin E and depression.
Calcium and Magnesium
Although calcium and magnesium are minerals, both are important supplements for relaxation. Medical professionals have touted their ability to calm an overwrought nervous system when taken together. Magnesium helps relieve muscle spasms, nervousness, anxiety and tension. Calcium is considered a natural tranquilizer. Take before bed.