Can You Buy Acai Berry in Health Food Stores?
Acai berry is extracted from the acai fruit, a species of palm tree found in the flood plains and swamps of the Amazon. Acai berry is used as a dietary supplement, a food source and drink source. When extracted and packaged, many people buy acai berry for it's excellent source of fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids.
Local Health Food Store
Acai berry can be purchased from health food stores like GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe. The product comes in the following forms: tablets, capsules, liquid form and even in chews. Prices and brands vary from store to store.
Acai Juice vs. Acai Pulp
There is a difference between acai juice and acai pulp. Acai juice is squeezed from the acai fruit. It doesn't have the skin which contains the bulk of the nutrients and antioxidants of the fruit. Acai pulp uses the entire fruit except the large middle seed. The pulp contains all of the nutrients and antioxidants.
Local Grocery Store
Acai berry is also found at local grocery stores, like Whole Foods Market. You may find the product contains acai juice instead of acai pulp and the product may be a blend of acai juice and grape, apple, or another juice like cranberry juice. You want to buy 100 percent pure acai juice. If it is not pure acai juice, reconsider buying the product.
Tips On Buying Acai Berry
When buying acai berry at your local health food or grocery store, make sure somewhere on the packaging the words "organic acai" is present. Then, turn the product around and read the ingredients to see how much acai berry is in the product.