Natural Sources of Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps sustain a healthy immune system, maintain good eyesight and promote bone and tissue growth and repair. Vitamin A helps us see in the dark by allowing the retina to adjust in different light settings. Vitamin A is also imperative for clear skin, and for healthy teeth and gums. Acne sufferers often increase their vitamin A intake to control breakouts. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant useful in fighting free radicals in the body.
Food Sources
There are a variety of natural food sources that provide vitamin A. Generally, vitamin A is found in green, leafy vegetables and yellow-orange fruits and vegetables. Particular foods rich in vitamin A include: spinach, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, cantaloupe, pumpkin, apricots, papayas, egg yolks and liver.
A deficiency in vitamin A can cause not only poor eyesight but also night blindness, dry skin and eyes, brittle nails, stunted growth and reproductive issues, such as maternal mortality and problems lactating.
As vitamin A is a fat soluable vitamin it stays within the body where it is dangerous in excess amounts. Excess vitamin A can cause bone damage, hair loss, blurry vision and birth defects.
Alcohol, coffee and excessive iron consumption can deplete vitamin A amounts in the body.