The Best Alternative Supplement for an Enlarged Prostate
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto is one of the most popular alternative supplements for treating an enlarged prostate gland. Though medical studies have been inconclusive on whether the extract from saw palmetto berries actually reduces the size of an enlarged prostate, millions of men have used the supplement with reported success. Some studies have suggested that saw palmetto actually works to either block the formation of DHT (the hormone that causes prostate growth) or prevents testosterone from breaking down (which can trigger the growth of the prostate gland).
The leading two studies on the subject have distinctly competing conclusions: One claims saw palmetto can be as effective as Proscar, a leading BPH medication. A more recent study shows that saw palmetto produces the same results as a placebo.
A typical dose for men looking to treat their enlarged prostate can be between 160 and 320 milligrams a day. Saw palmetto has few serious side effects, but consult with a doctor if you have any conditions that cause bleeding, take any other medications or are scheduled to undergo surgery to prevent any complications.
Beta-sitosterol has been used as an alternative supplement in Europe for years, but few studies show it has a positive effect in reducing the size of the prostate gland or even in relieving the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. However, there are a handful of studies that this rye pollen extract can actually relieve symptoms and increase urinary flow. These studies, one of which was included in Lancet Journal, have tested intakes of 20 to 130 milligrams of beta-sitosterol a day.
Pygeum is another popular European remedy. This extract has been shown in several studies to increase urinary flow and significantly decrease other symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Made from the bark of the African plum tree, this supplement is said to decrease the size of the prostate gland primarily by reducing inflammation.
Finally, anyone with an enlarged prostate (or who are concerned about the possibility) should consider a zinc supplement. A zinc deficiency has been shown to be a direct cause of an enlarged prostate gland, and taking it before you have a problem can relieve you of much discomfort. A supplement of 50 to 100 milligrams a day is recommended by many doctors to reduce the size of the prostate gland, because it helps to disable an enzyme that can trigger abnormal growth.