What Is Saw Palmetto Used for?
Saw palmetto berries are a popular herbal treatment for men who have been experiencing prostate problems. Saw palmetto berries do not reduce enlarged prostates; they only help to relieve any of the symptoms that may be associated with the condition. The herb also helps to decrease the need for frequent urination, especially at night. This is a common symptom that is associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH affects many men who are over the age of 50. Some other symptoms of BPH are difficulty urinating and weak urinary streams.
Saw palmetto can also help to reduce male pattern hair loss. Due to the similar effects that it has compared to the drug Finasteride, saw palmetto also slowed down hair loss for some. Studies show that individuals who suffered from the hair loss condition known as alopecia also found treatment to be successful with the use of saw palmetto.
How It Works
The active ingredients in the saw palmetto berries are the fatty acids found in the fat portions of the berries. These help to slow down the development of new prostate cells and to ease any inflammation that may occur. Even though it does not reduce the size of the prostate, saw palmetto will shrink the inner lining of the prostate that puts pressure on the tubes that carry the urine. The tea form of the saw palmetto berry may not provide the same results. This is because the ingredients in the berries do not dissolve well in water.
Side Effects
Individuals taking saw palmetto may experience some side effects. Some of the most common side effects are stomach aches, diarrhea and constipation. Some other effects that may occur are headaches, changes in libido (sex drive), stomach cramping and nausea. If an individual experiences any of the following serious side effects, he must immediately seek medical attention. These side effects include tightness in the chest, dark urine, hives, difficulty breathing, swelling, rash and yellowing of the skin.
How to Take It
Saw palmetto should be used as instructed by your doctor or according to the directions on the package. It is best to take saw palmetto with food or milk. If you miss more than one dose, there is no need for concern. It may take up to 30 days to see the effects of the saw palmetto. When taking any kind of medication, see a health care provider about any concerns or questions.
The Food and Drug Administration has not approved this herbal supplement as being safe and effective for any medical condition. If you are interested in taking saw palmetto, consult your doctor first. It is not recommended for children or for women who may be pregnant or breastfeeding. This also goes for individuals who may be allergic to any of the ingredients in saw palmetto and those who have a history of breast cancer.