Daily Vitamin Requirements
Recommended Dietary Allowance
The values shown here reflect the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamins. The RDA values are designed to meet the needs of 98 percent of the people in a group.
RDA for Water-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin B6: 1 milligram (mg) for males and females 9 to 13 years old; 1.3mg for males 13 to 50; 1.7mg for males 50 and up; 1.2mg for females 14 to 18; 1.3mg for females 19 to 50; 1.5mg for females 50 and up. Pregnant females need 1.9mg and lactating females need 2mg each day.
Vitamin B12: 1.8μg for males and females 9 to 13; 2.4μg for males and females 14 and up. Pregnant females need 2.6μg and lactating females need 2.8μg.
Vitamin C: 45mg for males and females 9 to 13; 75mg for males 14 to 18; 90mg for males 19 and up; 65mg for females 14 to 18; 75mg for females 19 and up. Pregnant females over 18 need 85mg and lactating females over 18 need 120mg.
Folate: 300μg for males and females 9 to 13; 400μg for males and females 14 and up. Pregnant women need 600μg and lactating females need 500μg.
Niacin: 12mg for males and females 9 to 13; 16mg for males 14 and up; 14mg for females 14 and up. Pregnant females need 18mg and lactating females need 17mg.
Riboflavin: 0.9mg for males and females 9 to 13; 1.3mg for males 14 and up; 1.0mg for females 14 to 18; 1.1mg for females 19 and up. Pregnant females need 1.4mg and lactating females need 1.6mg.
Thiamin: 0.9mg for males and females 9 to 13; 1.2mg for males 14 and up; 1mg for females 14 to 18; 1.1mg for females 19 and up. Pregnant and lactating females need 1.4mg.
RDA for Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin E: 11mg for males and females 9 to 13; 15mg for males and females 14 and up. Pregnant females need 15mg and lactating females need 19mg.
Vitamin A: 600μg for males and females 9 to 13; 900μg for males 14 and up; 700μg for females 14 and up. Pregnant females over 18 need 770μg and lactating females over 18 need 1300μg.
Adequate Intake
When the Institute of Medicine lacks sufficient evidence to establish an RDA value, an Adequate Intake (AI) value is set instead. AI values are believed to meet the needs of all individuals in the given group.
AIs for Vitamins
Vitamin D: 5µg for males and females 9 to 50; 10 µg for males and females 51 to 70; 15µg for males and females over 70. Pregnant and lactating females need 5µg.
Pantothenic Acid: 4mg for males and females 9 to 13; 5mg for males and females 14 and up. Pregnant females need 6mg and lactating females need 7mg.
Biotin: 20µg for males and females 9 to 13; 25µg for males and females 14 to 18; 30µg for males and females 19 and up. Pregnant females need 30µg and lactating females need 35µg.
Choline: 375mg for males and females 9 to 13; 550mg for males 14 and up; 400mg for females 14 to 18; 425mg for females 19 and up. Pregnant females need 450mg and lactating females need 550mg.
Vitamin K: 60µg for males and females 9 to 13; 75µg for males and females 14 to 18; 120µg for males 19 and up; 90µg for females 19 and up. Pregnant and lactating females over 18 need 90µg.