Liquid Vitamins for Skin Care
Vitamin E
Emulsifying and healing, vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. Vitamin E is well known for its ability to repair dry skin. It has become so popular, that it is even placed in most commercial lotions. For the best results, vitamin E should be taken orally each day. If staving off an exceptionally stubborn area of dry skin, it can also be applied directly to the skin. Vitamin E is also the best cure for cracked heals, and is safe enough to apply directly and massage into the crevices.
Vitamin C
Primarily considered for its helpful immune system properties, vitamin C is also an excellent natural cure for acne and eczema. Vitamin C tinctures and creams can be found at most health food stores. To make a vitamin C toner for the face and skin, place fresh grapefruit skin in a pan and cover with distilled water. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Mix in one vitamin C capsule and remove from heat. Allow the mixture to cool and mix in one-half cup of vodka. Place the mixture in a clean bottle and apply to face and skin twice a day for best results.
The term B-Complex refers to the standard set of vitamin B's which includes B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenate), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyancobalamine) and folate. Each of these vitamins packs a skin healing punch that will leave skin healthy and glowing. The attributes of these vitamins include increased cell production and regeneration that provides brighter, healthier looking skin. An excellent means of acquiring vitamin B for the skin is by using a black-eyed pea facial scrub. This scrub can be created at home by grinding black-eyed peas in a coffee grinder until they are a fine powder. The powder can then be mixed with water to create a liquid scrub and applied directly to the face.
Vitamin K
To get rid of dark under eye circles, vitamin K is a must. Vitamin K has long been used in the medical community for the treatment of spider veins in adults. This penetrating vitamin is absorbed directly through the skin and strengthens weak capillaries, preventing further bleeding. When bleeding is prevented, the dark color associated with it gradually disappears. An excellent natural source for this treatment is a spinach mask. Place frozen spinach in a food processor and process until smooth, add one vitamin E capsule and process again. Apply directly to the skin and leave on for 15 minutes. Use this mask daily for bright, young looking eyes.
While not per say a vitamin, water is the greatest nutrient for healthy skin. Water enables the body to function at its best, removing toxins and sending nutrients to all the body's cells. Water also provides the necessary moisture for the skin to secrete natural oils that keep the skin soft and supple. Women should drink at least eight glasses of water everyday for best results.