Vitamin B12 Foods for Vegetarians
Fortified Beverages
Soy and nut milks are often fortified with vitamin B12, but it is always important to double check the labels. Brands like Silk and Almond Joy are fortified with many vitamins, including B12. You can also find fortified store-brand varieties, such as the 365 brand from Whole Foods, a natural market.
Vitamin B12 is also found in beverages that claim to offer nutritional benefits, even though they are packed with sugar. A great example is Vitamin Water, which contains a plethora of vitamins, such as B12. Many energy drinks contain B12 as well.
Faux Meats
Also referred to as meat analogues, meat substitutes such as soy burgers, Tofurky deli slices and veggie dogs are usually fortified with essential nutrients, including vitamin B12. Adding a serving or two of your favorite meat substitute to your daily meals is a great way to ensure your body gets the B12 it needs. Just make sure to check how of your daily percentage of B12 is contained in each serving. You can find fortified meat substitutes in a variety of tantalizing forms including fake chicken nuggets and strips, burgers, corndogs, and ribs. A few of the great brands that offer fortified products include Gardenburger, Amy's, Boca, Tofurky and Morningstar Farms.
Vegetarian Sources (Not Vegan)
Dairy products and eggs are high in vitamin B12, and vegetarians who have chosen to keep these foods in their diet gain another source of this nutrient. This essential vitamin occurs naturally in cheese; however, the amount found in your cheese of choice may vary and will be indicated in the nutritional information. You can also find a healthy serving of vitamin B12 in eggs, with the majority of the nutrient found in the raw yolk.
Vitamin Supplements
Taking a vitamin B12 supplement is often necessary for a vegetarian, depending on how restrictive your diet is. If you do not eat fortified vegan products, such as soy milk or faux meats, it is essential to get this vitamin elsewhere. There are vegan-friendly multivitamins available, as well as vitamin B12 as a supplement itself. As vegetarianism and veganism rises in popularity, it's becoming easier to find these supplements made without gelatin, which comes from animals. These supplements can be found in chain and local health food markets, such as Whole Foods, as well as conventional grocery stores, pharmacies and supplement stores.
Sometimes it's hard to get kids to take their vitamins, vegetarian or not. Fortunately, there are vegetarian gummy vitamins available that are made with fruit pectin instead of gelatin, such as GummiKING and Rhino Gummy Bear Vitamins.
Other Fortified Foods
Nutritional yeast, cereals and breakfast bars are a few examples of other fortified foods that have vitamin B12. The best thing to do is check the nutritional information of the foods you buy, and if they do not have any B12, try researching similar products until you find satisfactory alternatives with the best nutritional benefits.