Food Sources With Vitamin P
Vitamin P is a lesser known vitamin, but is vital to the body, because it enhances the work of vitamin C in the body. Also, unlike other vitamins, eating too much of vitamin P will not cause toxicity. Plant foods are sources of vitamin P, and includes different fruits and vegetables.-
Vitamin P, also called bioflavonoids, are not technically vitamins, according to Vitamins Diary. Instead, they are compounds that are similar in composition to vitamin C. Vitamin P helps the body absorb vitamin C, so take them together. This is not difficult to do, as certain food sources contain both vitamin C and vitamin P.
Vitamin P helps to prevent capillaries from bleeding and bruising. Capillaries are the smaller blood vessels in the body. Vitamin C and vitamin P collectively work to prevent histamine release, inflammation and viruses in the body, and help it to absorb iron properly. Both vitamins also contain antioxidants. Vitamins Diary recommends that you take 500 mg a day of vitamin P, and states that you cannot overdose on bioflavonoids. Women going through menopause should aim for 1,000-1,500 mg of vitamin P per day, according to Women's Health Club.
Citrus fruits contain the highest amounts of vitamin C and vitamin P together. Eat clementines, grapefruit, lemons and oranges. According to Women's Health Club, lemons have the greatest number of bioflavonoids. Other fruits that contain vitamin P include apricots, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, juniper berries, plums and raspberries. The darker the color of the fruit, the more antioxidants it likely contains. A serving of fruit contains approximately 1 g of bioflavonoids, according to Vitamins Diary. This is equal to 1,000 mg, which is double the average daily vitamin P recommendation.
Certain vegetables contain vitamin P, although not as many varieties as fruit. Tomatoes have the most vitamin P in their raw form, so eat them in salads and as part of a sandwich topping. However, tomato sauces still contain bioflavonoids, and should not be excluded entirely. Green peppers and broccoli also have vitamin P. Broccoli tends to lose nutrients when it is cooked, so eat it raw whenever possible. Garlic is another source of bioflavonoids.
Vitamins Diary states that coffee and tea are not the best beverage choices, as most do not contain many vitamins, and often contain caffeine. Instead, drink juices that are derived from dark berries and grapes. Try black grape juice or cranberry juice. Green tea is an exception, as it is rich in both vitamin C and vitamin P, maximizing the body's absorption of antioxidants. Try drinking two to three cups a day.