Facts About B3 Vitamins
Blood Flow
One of the roles of vitamin B3 in the body is to act as a mild vasodilator. This means that niacin widens the blood vessels, which leads to enhanced blood flow. Good circulation is imperative for good health, and it also helps in healing.
Niacin acts to help stop the mobilization of fat being removed from your tissues. This isn't to say that niacin stops weight loss; far from it. When fats are mobilized, say by a person drinking alcohol, the fat goes into the bloodstream and is taken to the liver. This can lead to difficulties in the liver, which proper doses of niacin may act to prevent.
REM sleep
In experiments conducted with animals, those that received a high dose of niacin experienced much longer periods of REM (or rapid eye movement) sleep. This is the period that is considered most restful, and it's often the period of sleep in which dreams occur. While not currently being used as a treatment for humans, niacin may prove to be a helpful alternative for those with mental disorders involving lack of rest.
When a person doesn't receive enough vitamin B3 for a long time, he may develop a condition referred to as pellagra. This condition may be temporary or permanent, leaving the sufferer with a greater need for niacin. The symptoms of pellagra include dermatitis (skin conditions), diarrhea, dementia, a swollen blueish tongue, inflammation of the mouth and cold sores.
There are a variety of foods that contain naicin, and it can be found in a daily multivitamin. Organic poultry, such as chicken and turkey, contain niacin. Potatoes, lentils and lima beans are also excellent sources of this vitamin. Whole-grain breads and peanut butter are two equally good sources, which may even be put together for a quick lunch.