The Purpose of Vitamin E in the Body
Vitamin E is essential in repairing connective tissue, preventing muscle soreness, preventing acne and supporting other health functions.
Sex Hormone Support
A lack of vitamin E can cause a person to become sterile, because vitamin E plays a role in supporting sex hormones in the body.
Cardiovascular Support
Patients suffering from anginas, or heart cramps, sometimes improve with vitamin E treatments. The vitamin helps remove waste acids from the heart, increasing function and reducing tightness.
Alzheimer's Disease
Three studies have shown that, when taken in large doses, vitamin E can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. These studies were conducted by various scientists at the University G. D'Annunzio in Italy, the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging in Chicago, Illinois, and the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands.
Avoid Deficiency
Vitamin E deficiencies can cause impaired ability to balance, reduced coordination, and muscle weakness.