How to Give a B12 Injection
Things You'll Need
- B12 vial
- Syringe
- Alcohol
- Cotton balls
- Band-aid
Wash your hands thoroughly. Unwrap the syringe if it is sealed in plastic. Set it (with needle cover on the needle), the B12 vial, a cotton ball and the container of alcohol on the counter.
Wet the cotton ball with alcohol and wipe the rubber top of the B12 vial well. Pick up the syringe, remove the needle cover and pull back on the plunger to allow an amount of air in that is equivalent to the amount of B12 you will be injecting.
Hold the syringe in your dominant hand, being careful not to allow the needle to touch anything. Hold the B12 vial in your non-dominant hand, and push the needle into the rubber top. Inject the air from the syringe into the B12 vial while the vial is still upright.
Invert the B12 vial with the needle inside the fluid. Pull back on the plunger and watch the marks on the syringe to see the amount of B12 that you have transferred to the syringe. Stop when you get to the appropriate amount. Tap the side of the syringe to force any bubbles up and out of the syringe and into the vial. Withdraw the needle from the vial and put the vial on the counter. Recap your needle (only recap clean, unused needles) and set the syringe aside. Be sure to triple check your dosage before giving it.
After locating the appropriate intramuscular injection site using appropriate landmarks, use a second cotton ball wet with alcohol to cleanse the skin. Pull the skin taunt where it was cleaned. With your dominant hand holding the needle, aim the needle at the cleansed area and with a quick motion like you are throwing a dart, plunge the needle into the muscle.
There are specific areas in which to give intramuscular injections such as B-12. Be sure to discuss thourghly with your health care provider where to give your injection and how to find the site accurately. Giving the injection in the wrong site can lead to complications with absorption. You may also be more likely to hit bone, nerves and blood vessels if you are not in the correct site.
Pull back slightly on the plunger and look to see if you pull any blood back into the syringe. If all is clear, push down on the plunger until all the B12 has been transferred from the syringe to the muscle. It is important that there is no blood aspirated into the syringe--if there is discontinue the injection and begin again. If blood is aspirated into the syringe, it is likely you are in a blood vessel and will be giving the medication via intravenous method rather than intramuscularly which will change the absorption rate.
Pull the needle out of the muscle quickly and immediately apply the cotton ball with the alcohol on it. Have the individual press down hard on the cotton ball for a minute or two. Apply a bandage to the injection site.