Vitamins for Anxiety
B Vitamins
Mood can be affected by the level of B vitamins in the body. They help to metabolize neurotoxins that may be linked to anxiety problems. Thiamine, or B1, reduces feelings of irritability and mental confusion, while Niacin, or B3, helps with anxiety, insomnia and depression. The B vitamins can help with severe forms of depression, as well. B12 helps to produce chemicals in the brain that make you feel good. The vitamin is most active against depression. Vitamin B5 assists the body in making antistress hormones.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is useful for regulating cortisol secretion in the body. Cortisol is necessary for the fight or flight response to stressful situations, but can be unhealthy on a regular basis. Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands, and sends stress signals throughout the body and mind. Typical recommended dosage for vitamin C, as presented by the RDA, is 60 mg; however, that dosage is based on the levels set during the age when scurvy was a problem. Higher levels are recommended for stress reduction. In a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, vitamin C was found to be most effective in regulating adrenal stress hormones at 1500mg per day in athletes.
Vitamin E
Psychological stress can lead to oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is when free radicals accumulate in the body, and can lead to cellular damage. Vitamin E can help to combat oxidative stress. It works with vitamin B and C to repair and protect the nervous system. Vitamin E supports a healthy immune system, which helps prevent spikes in stress levels. If there is a deficiency of vitamin E in the body, stress can quickly turn into more serious problems like depression. Cortisol and oxidative stress can lead to neuron damage or cancer, but vitamin E protects the body against this type of damage.
Vitamin D
In a study published in the journal Medical Hypotheses, it was found that a deficiency of vitamin D increased anxiety and altered emotional behavior in mice. Another study published in 2007, also in Medical Hypotheses, found that a deficiency of vitamin D was also associated with depression and poor moods. Vitamin D can be obtained through exposure to the sun, and foods such as fortified milk and fish oils.
Minerals help to relieve anxiety and mineral deficiencies can sometimes be the indirect cause for anxiety. Calcium promotes relaxation in the body. Whereas, a magnesium deficiency leads to anxiety by increasing adrenaline levels. Zinc also effects mood by causing apathy and lethargy when the body does not get the right amount. Deficiencies can lead to paranoia and fear resulting in anxiety. Iron and potassium deficiencies also lead to depression or fatigue.