What Vitamins Will Improve Memory?
One vitamin found in the brain is acetyl-l-carnitine, which protects brain cells and improves blood flow in the brain. Research shows that increasing acetyl-l-carnitine intake can even improve brain chemistry in Alzheimer's and diabetes patients. Vitamin B12 helps repair nerve fibers in the brain, and vitamin E has been shown to protect cells from nerve damage. Vitamin E, however, also has been shown to interfere with blood-clotting medicines and should be prescribed by a physician. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce dementia but may not improve normal brain function.
Herbal Supplements
Ginseng, which can help improve brain function by increasing the release of hormones, has been used to treat people with learning disabilities. Gingko Biloba improves blood flow to the brain, which in turn increases the flow of nutrients to the brain; Gingko traditionally has been used in Chinese medicine, but formal research on its effects are ongoing.
Other Methods of Improving Memory
There are also non-medicinal means to improve memory and other brain functions. In particular, keeping the brain active is important. Research shows that about three hours a day of mental exercises can help prevent senile dementia. Learning a new skill or language can help keep the brain from becoming stagnant; many people do crossword puzzles to keep their brains active.