The Best Natural Vitamins for Men
Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps to keep your skin, eyes and other organs moist, thus preventing them from drying out and becoming open to damage. Vitamin A also works to protect the body from free radicals and toxins that cause illness and disease. This natural sickness fighter is essential to a healthy body and the continuation of proper cell development.
Vitamin B-Complex
Vitamin B-complex, a combination of several B vitamins, is needed in just about every part of the body to help regulate, and stimulate, proper working order. The vitamin helps to create energy needed by the body to function by converting incoming glucose. It aids in the functioning of the adrenal glands that are responsible for proper nervous system activity. It is also used in aiding proper digestion and for keeping skin younger looking.
Vitamin C
A powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is responsible for protecting the body from harmful free radicals, and the prevention of sickness and disease. It can actually help the body heal from minor scrapes and bruises as well. It is also used in oral health, especially needed by the gums to remain healthy and firm.
Vitamin D
Like your mom always said, drink milk to get strong bones. This is true with vitamin D, in conjunction with calcium. Vitamin D is essential in bone and joint health by its ability to balance the right amount of calcium in the body. From birth and beyond, this vitamin regulates bone growth and density, which determines if they will be strong and last, or brittle and break.
Vitamin E
Where vitamin D is needed for bone health, vitamin E is necessary for proper muscle health. It regulates the amount of oxidation in the body, which can have adverse effects on muscle growth. Too much oxidation in the muscles can lead to loss of strength and movement, as well as random spasms. A deficiency in this vitamin results in muscular dystrophy.