How to Choose Vitamins for Women
To choose vitamins for women you first need to analyze your diet. This way you can determine the vitamin dosage needed. For example, vitamin C is one of the vitamins that are recommended for women. The next step then would be to check your diet and see how much vitamin C is consumed. If it's low you up the vitamin dosage and if it's high you lower it.
Understand the vitamin you're taking and why you're taking it. The internet is the best place to find the info you need. While there are certain vitamins for women that come recommended this doesn't mean it's the same for every woman. For instance, a woman who has health concerns would need to be more careful and take more precautions than a healthier woman.
Consider calcium another vitamin women need. Older women need more of it due to bone density issues. However, it's still important to do the research according to your age and health concerns to select proper dosage. Don't just pick a random bottle of calcium and start taking it.
Vitamin D helps activate calcium, so you might say they go hand in hand. If you take medications get advice from a doctor or nutritionist, before you take any combination of Calcium and vitamin D. Even though they work together the combination can be tricky, it's best to play it safe.
Take vitamin E for the skin, hair and its antioxidant properties. You have probably noticed it's used in skin and hair products. Vitamin E also has other great benefits as you will learn in your research.
All the B vitamins are important vitamins for women. However, there are three that are more important than the others and they are B6, B12 and folic acid. The B vitamins are used to improve energy and brain function as well as develop the central nervous system. Taking a B complex vitamin should suffice.
Be aware that the dosage and combination needed, will vary from woman to woman. Each one of these vitamins for women has their own benefits and purpose. Do your homework and decide which combination is right for you.
Additionally, research and study what foods contain each vitamin, so that you can calculate vitamin dosage. Lastly, other considerations are pregnant women, breastfeeding, PMS, menopause and medications.