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Foods that Cure Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin K is a vital nutrient in the human body that aids in coagulation of the blood. A vitamin K deficiency leads to excessive bleeding from the gums, blood in the urine, abnormal menstrual flows and easy bruising.
  1. Risk Factors

    • People that tend to suffer from a vitamin K deficiency are newborns, male alcoholics, people who suffer from intestinal conditions and those on certain prescriptions that inhibit the body's natural production of vitamin K.

    Vitamin K Rich Vegetables

    • Many vegetables help fight vitamin K deficiency. These foods consist mostly of leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and collard greens. Broccoli, alfalfa, and Brussels sprouts work great too.

    Vitamin K Rich Foods

    • Other foods that help with vitamin K deficiency are fish, yogurt, soybeans and seaweed. Foods that are broke down in the intestines produce Vitamin K as a natural byproduct.


    • People should take vitamin K supplements and consume foods rich in vitamin K carefully. Vitamin K deficiencies are rare and not lethal, but people on anticoagulant prescriptions are advised to avoid foods rich in vitamin K.


    • If a diet consisting of foods that cure vitamin K deficiency is not helping, people who suffer excessive bleeding should consult with a licensed health professional. An underlying condition may require immediate treatment.

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