What Are the Benefits of Vitamin E?
Prevents Oxidative Stress
One of vitamin E's main benefits is regulation of the reactive levels of oxygen molecules in the body. When these molecules become too reactive, they damage nearby cells (a process known as oxidative stress).
Promotes Healthy Skin
Vitamin E is one of the nutrients essential to protecting the skin from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also protects the skin when it's struck by reactive molecules.
Reduces Risk of Bladder Cancer
According to the American Association of Cancer Research, a diet rich in vitamin E reduces the risk of bladder cancer by as much as 50 percent.
Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer
Several studies have indicated that a diet rich in Vitamin E from food sources, but not from supplements, is a crucial preventative measure for prostate cancer.
Promotes Cell Signaling
Vitamin E is essential to cell signaling, a system of cellular communication overseeing many basic bodily functions. Poor cell signaling results in a weakened immune system and has been identified as a contributing factor to a wide variety of diseases.