Vitamins for Healthy Hair & Nails
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is well-known for promoting good vision and forming and maintaining healthy tissues and teeth. It is also known as retinol (active form of Vitamin A) and carotenoids. The National Institute of Health (NIH) defines carotenoids as "dark colored dyes found in plant foods that can turn into a form of vitamin A". Beta-carotene is one type of carotenoid and an antioxidant. Antioxidants are effective in fighting off the harmful effects of the environment by aiding the immune system. When the immune system is functioning effectively, it is fighting those sicknesses that can cause brittle hair and nails. Vitamin A and beta carotene can be found in foods such as eggs, meat and fish. Beta carotene is in carrots, pumpkins and grapefruits. The darker the color of the fruit or vegetable, the higher the beta carotene content.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B is not just one vitamin. It is a series of vitamins: vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. Vitamin B is often referred to as B-complex vitamins. The B-complex vitamins aid the immune system in fighting diseases, provide energy to the cells, maintain the health of the nervous system and digestive systems. Vitamin B is found in whole grains, fish, chicken, beans, fruits and even mushrooms. The lack of vitamin B can lead to hair loss, eczema and even depression.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that flushes out of the body. Vitamin C is used to make skin, tendons and ligaments. Nails are considered skin, and to keep the nails strong and healthy Vitamin C should be part of the supplement regimen. Fruits and vegetables contain Vitamin C. The fruits with large amounts of Vitamin C include grapes, oranges and melons. Broccoli, sweet potatoes and green peppers are the vegetables that also contain large amounts of Vitamin C.
Vitamin E
Similar to vitamins A, B and C, vitamin E is also an antioxidant, and it also aids the immune system in fighting the effects of free radicals. According to a 1993 study published in the "New England Journal of Medicine", there was "evidence of a significant association between a high intake of Vitamin E...and a lower risk of heart disease." Vitamin E is found in corn, vegetable oil, spinach and other foods. The health effects of vitamin E are still being studied but in small doses it has been shown to help the heart.