What is the Importance of Calcium in Diet?
Body Composition
Calcium is the mineral found the most in the body. Approximately 99% of it is stored in the bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is located in the blood, tissues, and nerve cells.
Functions in Body
Calcium is a very important mineral for life. It controls our growth and maintains healthy bones and teeth. By maintaining healthy bones it prevents osteoporosis. It controls reproduction of the human body. It helps the body with blood clotting. It helps the muscles and blood vessels contract. Calcium also allows for secretion of hormones. It helps the body survive by doing all of these important activities.
Food Sources
Calcium can be found in many foods, including dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. It can also be found in many green leafy vegetable including spinach, broccoli, turnip greens, kale, and mustard greens. It is also found in fish. There are many foods, including juice and breads to which calcium is added.
In order to maintain a healthy body you should have calcium each day. Calcium requirements are based upon your age group. The recommendations are as follows: 0-6 months of age -- 210 mg/day, 7-12 months of age- 270 mg/day, 1-3 years of age -- 500 mg/day, 4-8 years of age -- 800 mg/day, 9-13 years of age -- 1300 mg/day, 14-18 years of age males -- 1300 mg/day, 19-50 years of age males -- 1000 mg/day, 51 years of age and over males -- 1200 mg/day, 14 -18 years of age females -- 1300 mg/day, 19-50 fyears of age females -- 100 mg/day, 51 years of age and over females -- 1200 mg/day
Sample Sources
Here are a few common foods that contain calcium.
8 oz glass of milk -- 300 mg of calcium
2 oz of Swiss cheese -- 530 mg of calcium
6 oz of yogurt -- 300 mg of calcium
3 oz of almonds -- 210 mg of calcium