Natural Vitamins for Energy
B Vitamins
B vitamins are the best when it comes to boosting energy. You can buy them in the complex form or as individual supplements. B vitamins work in the brain to stimulate productivity and in the body to enhance cell growth and boost metabolism. They also work much like a chain, meaning that they work best when consumed as a group. Niacin, riboflavin and thiamine are just a few of the B vitamins that belong to this group.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known for its benefits in building the body's immunities. It also is vital to the health of the heart and other muscles. Vitamin C is needed for the conversion of fat to energy in the mitochondria. Natural forms of vitamin C can be found in most citrus fruits and many vegetables. It is easily assimilated, but the body is unable to store what is not used.
Vitamins A, D and E
People usually don't term these vitamins as "energy boosters." However, Vitamins A and D work together to promote good muscle tone and strong bone tissue. Vitamin D occurs naturally in the body when it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin E benefits in the reduction of free radicals and acts as an antioxidant. If you put the three together in proper amounts, they work to fine tune the body. A body that works effieciently is a body with an abundance of energy and vitality.