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What Foods are Low in Iron?
Milk, cheese and yogurt are low in iron (less than .20mg/100 g of food) and provide a good source of protein.
Fruit Juice and Sodas
Most fruit juices and sodas have a low iron count. Grapefruit, cranberry and orange are all very low.
Fresh Fruits
Some fresh fruits, especially blueberries, honeydew melon, apples, are relatively low in iron (less than .20mg/100 g of food).
Turnips (.18 mg) and radishes (.15 mg) have very low iron content. Avoid leafy green vegetables, which have a high iron count.
Many condiments including salad dressing, vegetable oil and soup mixes contain little iron.
White Rice
White rice and white rice noodles both contain small amounts of iron (.14 mg/100 g of food). Avoid any type of grain that has been fortified with iron.