Which Vitamins Are Good for Lack of Energy?
Confirm the Cause
If you are suffering from a severe lack of energy, consult with your health care provider to rule out any serious health issues. Many illnesses, such as Addison's disease, can be the cause of chronic, unrelenting fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome is another increasingly common cause of a lack of energy.
Nutrition First
You should first adjust your diet if you are suffering from a lack of energy. Often a nutrient-depleted diets is the main cause of fatigue. Processed food have vital nutrients removed, leaving our bodies starving for the fuel it needs to function its best. Try adding whole foods and eliminating processed foods. You may quickly see a difference in your energy levels.
Don't forget the importance of sleep and exercise. You may not realize how important a full eight hours of sleep is each night. Exercise, believe it or not, can quickly give you a boost to get through the rest of your day. If you suffer from that 3 p.m. drag, a brisk walk may be just what you need. If, after trying these suggestions, you still feel exhausted, you are ready to explore ways to supplement your diet with certain vitamins.
Learn Which Vitamins Are Good for Lack of Energy
The most common vitamins recommended for energy are the B vitamins---folic acid, niacin and thiamine, along with they more easily recognized B1, B6 and B12. B vitamins are natural energy boosters because they help convert food into usable energy. B vitamins also improve brain function. B vitamins come in pill form, as liquids and even as injections.
Another vitamin for your arsenal is CoQ10. This antioxidant is needed by every cell to produce energy for the body. The common dosage is 300mg divided into three doses of 100mg each, taken at each meal.
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are essential for increased energy as well being good for your heart. While found in many foods, EFAs are easily damaged and are therefore found to be deficient in most diets. The recommended dosage is between 4,000 and 6,000mg per day.
Magnesium is a mineral that nearly everyone is deficient in. While 500mg is a good goal, it is best to build up to that amount gradually to avoid a laxative effect.
DHEA is another important nutrient for energy. It is wise to ask for a blood test to measure your levels of DHEA before beginning supplementation. An average dose would be 25mg a day.
Be sure that you discuss all vitamins and supplements that you are taking with your doctor, especially if you are taking any prescription medication. Let him monitor your progress to assure no adverse reactions.