Vitamin Combinations for Great Skin
Vitamin E, C and Carotenoids
Vitamin E contains a chemical called alpha-tocopherol, which works with other antioxidants in your skin to repair sun damage. Beta carotene is a carotenoid that helps maintain healthy skin. When combined with Vitamin E, beta carotene is a strong weapon against aging. Beta carotene can also help prevent blistering from overexposure to the sun. Vitamin C is a vitamin that provides overall health. When combined with vitamin E, vitamin C is also a good protector for the skin against aging and sun damage.
B Vitamins
B vitamins help to convert calories to energy, which promotes a good metabolism. B vitamins also have enzymes that maintain skin function. For smooth, supple skin, you should have a diet rich in B vitamins. Sources for B vitamins are chicken, turkey, red meats, fish, whole-wheat breads and eggs. Diets that are lacking in B vitamins will result in dry, scaly and itchy skin. Stress can be a major factor in aging. Vitamin B helps to relieve anxiety and stress levels in the body.
Vitamin A, Selenium and Zinc
Vitamins that promote healing of the skin are vitamin A, selenium and zinc. Vitamin A helps to maintain the elasticity in the skin. The best source for vitamin A is egg yolks. Selenium protects the skin against UV rays and helps protect against the blistering effects of the sun. Diets low in selenium are at risk for skin cancer. The best sources for selenium are fish and whole grains. Zinc also helps maintain firmness in your skin and helps to prevent wrinkles. The best sources for zinc are seafood, turkey, mushrooms and soybeans.