Building the Immune System With Vitamins
Natural Sources
Eating healthy, balanced meals will always provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals. But when the cold and flu season approaches, you may wish to increase your intake of those foods containing vitamin C in particular. Vitamin C and other antioxidants protect your cells from toxin damage, making the cells stronger. So remember your citrus (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc.) and berries (especially the darker berries). Lemons have the added benefit of helping balance your body's acid-alkali levels. This is important because a healthy pH level supports the right bacteria. Too often, the body is more acidic than it should be, creating an environment conducive to viruses and invading bacteria. Though it may seem backwards, diets rich in acidic foods, like lemons, produce a less acidic pH, while a diet rich in breads and meats produces a more acidic pH.
Vitamin C is by far the most important immunity boosting vitamin. For most adults, a dose between two and six grams a day is sufficient. Although, when sick, doubling the dose can help. Other vitamins that help support the immune system are vitamin A (beta-carotene is best), vitamin E and the B vitamins, B1, B5, B6 and B12.
Zinc and selenium are essential minerals that the body requires in order to produce antioxidant enzymes. The body uses zinc to synthesize some eighty different enzymes, all important to your health. The body relies on numerous minerals to keep it functioning optimally. So if your diet is low in minerals, including magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, sodium and chromium, you might add in a mineral supplement.
Garlic is perhaps the strongest single food you can add to your diet to boost your immune system. It is nature's antibiotic and can inhibit viruses and help prevent cancer. But many do not get enough garlic in their diet. Other herbs reputed to boost the immune system include echinacea, goldenseal, astragalus, ginseng, ginkgo and gotu kola.